Music on the Move

Early Childhood Music Classes, Music Lessons, and Music Therapy Services

for Families, Schools, and Daycares in the Cedar Rapids Area

Payment Shortcuts

Click or scan the QR codes
Venmo last 4 digits =  7035

Pay with PayPal

New Students - Create an Account
1. Fill out the form to create your account.
2. Check your email/spam for your password
3. Come back here to log in & choose your class from the calendar!

Purchase a Gift Certificate

Music classes or lessons make perfect gifts!

Simply send Venmo or PayPal with a note – “Gift for First & Last name”.

I will credit the amount to your student’s account. If you would like a gift certificate emailed or mailed to you, simply send a quick note to

For your reference, a single family music class is $12. Siblings are $6 each. Instrument lessons are $25 each.

First & Last name of Child to receive the Gift