Music Lessons (In Person or Virtual)
Preschool & Beginning Piano - Brass Instruments - Ukulele - Adapted LessonsDaytime / Homeschool Lessons
Piano / Ukulele / Brass Instruments – SUCCESS BASED lessons to lay a foundation for future academic and musical learning. Lisa’s music degree gives her the musical know-how, and her training and experience as a music therapist gives her the skills needed to adapt as necessary!
In-person or Virtual lessons are available for preschool or beginning piano students, brass instruments, or ukulele! Lesson times primarily in the daytime. $25/half hour. Message or call Lisa for more information!
Current Students
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Piano for preschool?! Yes indeed! We will learn the basics of piano mixed with movement, singing, and games in this hilarious story-based curriculum.

Brass Instruments
Lisa’s degree is in French Horn performance, in addition to music therapy! From beginner to high school & beyond, we offer lessons for brass players.

Join the Ukulele craze with this easy-to-learn instrument.
Adapted lessons
are perfect for those who need more support to play any instrument!
Lesson Policies
Music on the Move accepts music students of all ages and abilities based on availability year-round. New students may register online or by phone (319) 849-8288.
Lessons are weekly and are generally scheduled between 12 – 5 pm with breaks for holidays. You can view your upcoming lessons in the parent/student portal. Login at
If someone in your family is not feeling well, please stay home and feel better! (Please keep your child home if he or she has experienced any of the following symptoms within the last 24 hours: vomiting, diarrhea, fever, contagious rashes, or contagious eye infections.). If the student is well enough for a virtual lesson, that is always a possibility. If you need to cancel, please notify Lisa as soon as possible. Cancel through Parent Portal, call/text (319) 849-8288, or email You will only be charged for lessons attended. If I need to cancel, I will let you know as soon as possible.
My missed lesson/payment policies are purposely very forgiving. Thank you for respecting my time, and your student’s progress, by attending your reserved lesson time as faithfully as possible.
Music on the Move will send weekly, automatic email invoices for lessons attended. You may prepay at any time to avoid weekly invoices.
- Venmo @MusicOnTheMove
- PayPal @MusicOnTheMove
- Cash/Check at lesson
- Credit Card via invoice or Parent Portal
Your remaining balance or balance due will be reflected on your Parent Portal.
Weather Cancellations
If the weather is questionable, please feel free to text/call/email. If your lesson is canceled, you will receive an email. We will also make every attempt to contact via text message if lessons are cancelled.