Notes & News
from Music on the Move!
Music on the Move provides Early Childhood Music Classes for Families, Schools and Daycares in the Cedar Rapids Area. Family Music Classes, Baby Sing & Sign, Preschool/Daycare, and Parties!

Music Class at Toddler Play Cafe
Bring your lunch (or not) and then enjoy music class with Ms. Lisa! 11:00 am Lunch 11:30 am Music Class Description: This event is $15 per child. Join us for 45 minutes of music and play while we explore songs, instruments, games, rhythms, chants, pitch, movement,...
Baby Sing & Sign Winter 2022
Learn to Sign with your Baby - Improve communication & decrease crying! 11 am Saturdays: February 12, 19, and 26, 2022 $60 for the workshop includes all three classes and the book,Baby Sing and Sign: A Play-Filled Language Development Program for Hearing Infants...
Trains Theme Nov 3
Wednesday Class November? It's November! Before we jump into Turkeys, we are going to do a little traveling - by TRAIN! Join Lisa for a train themed family music class this Wednesday, November 3 at 10 am. Be sure to register in advance. Just log in and select your...